Owl (Winnie the Pooh)
In the fictional world of the book series and cartoon Winnie the Pooh, Owl is a wise old owl who happens to be a friend of Winnie the Pooh. He constantly tells stories about his relatives, and in the Disney cartoon he speaks in a British accent. In the books, the quality of Owl's "wisdom" is sometimes questionable.
Unlike the other animal characters except Rabbit, Owl is a living animal, not a stuffed one. This can be determined by the illustrations and by Rabbit's comment to him, "You and I have brains. The others have fluff."
Owl can spell his name Wol and Tuesday (so that you know it isn't Wednesday), but his spelling goes all to pieces over delicate words like measles and buttered toast. Owl lives in the tree known as The Chestnuts, and in one of the stories his home is unfortunately destroyed by a storm. Template:Lit-stub