Ocumare del Tuy
Ocumare del Tuy is a city located in the Miranda State (Estado Miranda) in northern Venezuela. With a 10.12°N of latitude and 66.78°W of longitude, Ocumare del Tuy is noted for warm and clear weather, with year-round sunshine and 60 days of rainfall annually, and an average temperature that ranges from 64° to 83° Fahrenheit (18° to 28° Celsius), but with relatively low humidity.
Ocumare del Tuy has a population of 138,000 habitants (2004), mainly dedicated to agriculture (cocoa, coffee, sugar cane) and livestock farming (pigs, but also cattle), with leafy forest and meadows.
Ocumare del Tuy was the first capital of the Estado Miranda between 1904 and 1928 until it moved over to Los Teques.