"Men knew him as the Dweller in Darkness, that brother of the Old Ones called Nyogtha, the Thing that should not be. He can be summoned to Earth's surface through certain secret caverns and fissures, and sorcerers have seen him in Syria and below the black tower of Leng; from the Thang Grotto of Tartary he has come ravening to bring terror and destruction among the pavilions of the great Khan. Only by the looped cross, by the Vach-Viraj incantation and by the Tikkoun elixir may he be driven back to the nighted caverns of hidden foulness where he dwelleth."
From "The Salem Horror" (1937), by Henry Kuttner. Nyogtha is a fictional deity, a Great Old One in the Cthulhu Mythos. "He" is one of the most feared of the earth elementals, cousin to the monstrous Cyaegha, appearing mainly as a shapeless dark mass, not too much unlike Ubbo-Sathla.Template:Fantasy-stub