Nightcrawler (X-Men: The Animated Series episode)
Nightcrawler is an episode in the animated TV series X-Men Animated Series.
This episode introduces one of the more popular characters of the X-Men universe; Nightcrawler. A villager of a small Austrian town sees Nightcrawler on a rooftop. An angry mob gathers and hunts Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler escapes the mob using his impressive acrobatic skills and teleportation powers.
The next scene finds Wolverine, Rogue, and Gambit lounging in a ski chalet not far from the town where Nightcrawler resides. The over worked X-Men are on vacation, and Gambit is disappointed Wolverine is along. Gambit and Rogue never get the time alone they both long for. Rogue and Gambit leave the chalet. Wolverine overhears two bystanders discuss the blue demon terrorizing a nearby village.
Wolverine invites Rogue and Gambit to hunt for the demon. The three ski toward the neighboring village. The Cajun Gambit has difficulty maneuvering the hillside and crashes into a tree. The unconscious Gambit energizes the tree which in turn explodes causing an avalanche. Wolverine excavates the trio out of the snow bank.
Monks from the neighboring village give sanctuary to the injured X-Men. One monk, Brother Reinhart, expresses concern over aiding the strangers. Rogue decides to check on Gambit, only to find a hooded figure attempting to harm her unconscious friend. Rogue chases after the culprit. Rogue takes a wrong turn bursting through a door that leads to a three story fall.
Nightcrawler comes to Rogue’s aid as she falls. Nightcrawler teleports himself and Rogue to safety on the ground. Wolverine believes Nightcrawler attacked Rogue and a fight ensues. Wolverine takes advantage of Nightcrawler’s bid for a truce. As Wolverine delivers a deadly blow, the head of the monastery intervenes. Nightcrawler is a member of their religious order.
Nightcrawler explains he is a mutant. He reveals his origin. He understands his mother abandoned him upon birth. A scene briefly shows what really happened. The town people came to kill Nightcrawler, and his mother places him in a basket and sends him down the river. As she is sending Nightcrawler away from the mob she morphs into Mystique. Nightcrawler is not aware of the identity of his birth parents.
A circus troupe finds the abandoned infant and trains Nightcrawler in the acrobatic arts. When the circus closed down Nightcrawler became a servant of God joining the monastery. Wolverine erupts over the fact a mutant is a servant of God. Wolverine declares that God abandoned mutants. Wolverine and Nightcrawler have a religious debate. For a brief moment, it appears Wolverine finds hope in Nightcrawler’s positive perspective. However, they are interrupted by an angry mob attacking the monastery.
Brother Reinhart is responsible for attacking Gambit, and gathering the angry mob. The X-Men and Nightcrawler protect the other monks. The X-Men win the scuffle, but the monastery is burned to the ground. Brother Reinhart realizes Nightcrawler is not a demon, and repents. The villagers realize this as well. The optimistic Nightcrawler looks forward to co-existing with the villagers, and gives Wolverine a Bible with marked passages.
The episode ends with Gambit and Rogue having an ice cream sundae in Paris. Gambit belittles Nightcrawler’s village. Rogue walks away in disgust and visits a restored church. She finds Wolverine kneeling in front of the altar reading one of the marked Bible passages. Rogue knows Wolverine is at peace. She weeps tears of happiness as she slips outside unnoticed.