Nicanor Parra
A physicist by education, Nicanor Parra, Chilean poet (or antipoet), comes from a family of artists and performers. Trying to get away from the conventions of poetry, he refers to himself as an "antipoet". His poetic language renounces the refinement of most Latin American literature and adopts a more colloquial tone similar to prose. Since it is obviously very difficult to create good poetry writing in this manner, he proves himself to be one of the most talented poets of his time.
He is author of:
- Cancionero sin nombre. 1937.
- Poemas y antipoemas. 1954.
- La cueca larga. 1958.
- Versos de salon. 1962.
- Manifiesto, 1963.
- Canciones rusas. 1967.
- Obra gruesa, 1969.
- Los profesores, 1971.
- Artefactos, 1972.
- Sermones y prédicas del Cristo de Elqui, 1977.
- Nuevos sermones y prédicas del Cristo de Elqui, 1979.
- El anti-Lázaro, 1981.
- Poema y antipoema de Eduardo Frei, 1982.
- Cachureos, ecopoemas, guatapiques, últimas prédicas, 1983.
- Chistes para desorientar a la poesía, 1983.
- Coplas de Navidad, 1983.
- Poesía política, 1983.
- Hojas de Parra, 1985.
- Poemas para combatir la calvicie, 1993.
- Páginas en blanco, 2001.
- Lear Rey & Mendigo, 2004.