Newlyweds is a reality television show on MTV that follows the daily lives of recently-married music artist couple, Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey. The show first aired in August 2003 and has run for four seasons of ten episodes each. The last season started on January 26, 2005, and the fortieth and last episode aired on March 30, 2005. Simpson and Lachey were married in October 2002.
Part of the show's gimmick is displaying Simpson's ignorance, playing on the popular stereotype of "dumb blondes". Perhaps the most famous example comes from the first episode, in which Simpson, confronted with a can of Chicken of the Sea tuna, asked Lachey "Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna, but it says 'Chicken by the Sea'". In another example from the show's first season, she declined buffalo wings at dinner because she said she didn't eat buffalo (it being well-known that buffalo wings are actually chicken).
The opening of Newlyweds shows footage of the couple's wedding and plays Lachey's song "This I Swear".
External link
- Official Newlyweds Site from MTV (