Nepenthe is a collection of poetry published in 1921 by Greek poet Kostas Karyotakis. It was his second collection.
The word "Nepenthe" is first met in the Odyssey by Homer. Literally, it means "the one that chases away sorrow" [ne+penthos]. "Nepenthes pharmakon", i.e. a filter that chases away sorrow, was a magical potion given to Helen by the Egyptian queen; it would quell all sorrows of the drinker with forgetfulness; it is thought by some that nepenthe might have referred to a real-life opium preparation, perhaps similar to laudanum, but this is speculation only. Others believe it referred to coffee.
In the Raven, a poem of Edgar Allan Poe there is a reference to "quaffing nepenthe" in order to forget a lost love. ("Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe, and forget this lost Lenore!")