Nemrud Dagi
Missing image
Landscape view of the mountain
Nemrud Dağı(also known as Nemrut Dağ, Mount Nemrud, and/or Mount Nemrut) is a 2,150 meter high mountain near the Ankar mountains in Anatolia, southeastern Turkey. At the top of Nemrud Dağı, King Antiochus Theos of Commagene built his tomb-sanctuary along with huge statues (8-9 meters high) of himself and various Greek and Persian gods in 62 BC. This tomb contains stone carvings of gods, such as the head of an eagle. The arrangement of such statues is kown by the term hierothesion
This tomb was excavated in 1881 by Karl Sester, a German engineer. Subsequent excavation have failed to reveal the tomb of Antiochus.
In 1987, Nemrut Dağı was made a World heritage site by UNESCO