Missing image
Typical Negroid Skull
Negroid describes the racial classification of humans from Sub-Saharan Africa and Nilotic peoples of East Africa and was one of a varying number of races defined by various racial theories. The word itself is derived from Negro, which in turn originally derives from the Template:Ll/Template:Ll word, meaning black in color.
Use of this term has fallen out of favor with anthropologists in recent years due to increased understanding of human biometrics and the association of the term with eugenics.
See also
- Australoid
- Blacks
- Capoid
- Caucasoid
- Congoid
- Mongoloid
- Out of Africa hypothesis
- Race (historical definitions)
- Supercluster (genetic)
- Validity of human races
Template:Ethno-stubes:negroide fi:negroidi lt:Juodaodis ja:ネグロイド vi:Đại chủng Phi