Template:Move word list
Brief dictionary of the Nahuatl language
- -co. at, in the place of
- -pan. on, on top of
- -tica. with, using, through.
- -tlan. among, between.
Root Words
- aca. Somebody, someone.
- acahualli. Sunflower.
- acattopa. First, in the first place.
- achi miecpa. Frequently.
- achto. First
- achtontli. Great-grandfather, ancestor.
- achtopa. firstly, in the first place
- aci. to arrive
- acicamatl. To understand
- ahuacatl. Testicle.
- ahuitl. Aunt
- aic. Never
- altepepan. At the city
- altepetl. City, town, population
- amantecatl. Artisan,
- amatl. Paper, codex (book)
- amazolli. Old paper (tradition)
- amehuan, amehuantin. You, plural reverential: amehuantzitzin. (pronoun)
- ameyalli. Fountain, source.
- amini. Hunter
- amiqui. Thirsty (adj), to be thirsty.
- amo. No
- amo cualli. Bad, wrong.
- amo ... zan. Not ... but.
- amotlein. Nothing
- amoxcalli. Library, also book shelf
- amoxtli. Book
- an-. You, plural (prefix).
- ana. To take, to grab.
- aocmo. Not any more.
- aocmo huecauh. In a moment, just a moment.
- apizmiqui. Famine, to be dying of hunger.
- aquimamatcayoti. Stubbornness
- aquin. Who (?) plural: aquique.
- atenemachpan. Suddenly
- atl. Water. reverential: atzintli.
- atiacuihuayan. Artesian well.
- atli. To drink water; to drink non-alcoholic beverages.
- atolli. Atole, drink made of corn.
- atonahui. Fever, to have f.
- auh. And, but.
- axihuayan. Hotel, lodging, sometimes refuge.
- axiltia (nite-). To accompany.
- axiltia (nitia-). To complete, to fulfill.
- axitia. To get close, to come closer.
- axixcalli. Restroom (sanitary)
- axixmiqui. To have the need to go to the restroom.
- ayamo. Not yet.
- ayaxcanyotica. Slowly.
- ayohui. Easily, easy.
- ayotl. Turtle, tortoise.
- ayotl. Juice. (long 'a' makes it different from 'tortoise)
- azcatl. Ant.
- azcapotzalli. Anthill.
- azo zan. perhaps (?), maybe (?).
- ca. To be. Because. plural: cate.
- ca ye cualli. All right, OK.
- cahua. To leave (release an object)
- cahuitl. Time.
- calacoayan. Door (THE door).
- calaqui. To come in, to get inside.
- calli. House. Also used as generic word for buildings.
- calmanani. Architect.
- calpolli. Tribe.
- caltentli. Door.
- camachaloa. To open one's mouth.
- camactli. Mouth.
- camanallahtoa. To joke.
- camapaca. To wash one's mouth.
- camapotoniliztli. Bad breath.
- camatl. Mouth.
- campa. Where (?).
- can. Where (?), plural: canin.
- caqui. To hear.
- catca. Was, were.
- caxitl. Bowl.
- caxpechtli. Plate, dish (lit. 'bowl-bed')
- caxtiltecatl. Spaniard.
- caxtolli omei. Eighteen.
- caxtolli once. Sixteen.
- ce. One.
- ce. One of (when followed by a pronown).
- cecemilhuitica. Daily, Every day.
- cemanahuatl. World, universe (figurative).
- cemiac. Always, for ever.
- cempanahuia. To exceed, to surpass, to outdo.
- cempoalli. Twenty.
- cenca. Very.
- cenca cualli. Very well
- cenquizca. Perfectly, completely
- cenyohual. All night
- cetl. Ice.
- chantli. House. (home).
- chia. To wait. past: ochix.
- chicahuac. Healthy, strong, tough, hard. plural: chicahuaque.
- chicnahui. Nine
- chicoace. Six.
- chicome. Seven.
- chicuey. Eight.
- chihua. To do, to make.
- chihuilia. To do (to someone).
- chipahua. To clean.
- chiquihuitl. Basquet.
- choca. To cry, weep. plural: chocah.
- chocolatl. chocolate.
- choloa. To flee, to run away.
- choquilia. To cry, weep.
- choquilitzatzi. To cry, bawl.
- choquiltia. To make someone cry.
- ciciammicqui. Tired, fatigued.
- cihtli. Grandmother. Hare. plural: cicihtin.
- cihuapillahtocatzintli. Queen.
- cihuapilli. Lady, princess.
- cihuatl. Woman, female. plural: cihuah.
- cihuatotolin. Turkey hen.
- citialin. Star.
- ciyahui. To get tired.
- coatl. Snake. plural: cocoah.
- cochcahua. To let sleep
- cochcayotl. Dinner
- cochehua (nite-). To awake, awaken.
- cochi. To sleep. plural: cochih.
- cochiantli. Dormitory.
- cochihuayan. Bedroom.
- cochitlehua. To dream. "Seeing in your sleep".
- cochitta. To dream. "Seeing in your dream". Visions (mystic).
- cochmiqui. Sleepy, to be sleepy, drowsy.
- cocoa. To hurt (suffer pain).
- cococ. Hot, spicy.
- cocotona. To dismember, destroy, demolish.
- cocoxcacalli. Hospital.
- cocoxcacalpan. At the hospital.
- cocoxqui. Sick, diseased.
- cohua. To buy, purchase.
- colli. Grandfather. plural: coltin.
- coloti. Scorpion.
- comalli. Flat pan (for cooking)
- comitl. Cooking pot.
- conetl. Child, kid. plural: coconeh.
- coni. To drink.
- copina. To extract. (to get one thing out from another)
- cotona. To cut.
- cozamalotl. Rainbow.
- cua. To eat.
- cuacuahuitl. Horn, antler.
- cuahuitl. Tree, log.
- cuaitl. Head. (used only in composite words).
- cualli. Well, good (adverb).
- cualli ic. Good (adjective).
- cuallotl. Goodness.
- cuauhmaitl. Branch.
- cuauhmayoh. That has branches.
- cuauhtla. Woods, forest.
- cueitl. Skirt.
- cueponi. To grow.
- cueyatl. Frog.
- cuica. To sing.
- cuicani. Singer.
- cuicatl. Song.
- cuico. Singing.
- cuicoa. Singing.
- cuicuizcati. Swallow (bird).
- cuitlatl. Excrement.
- cuitlaxcolli. Guts.
- cuix. Maybe, could it be...
- cuix ye huecanh. Has it been long since… (?).
- eiehuia. To wish. To desire.
- etl. Beans.
- huauhtli. Amaranth.
- hualehua. To come.
- hualhuica. To bring, fetch.
- huallauh. To come. past: ohualia.
- hualmonochilia. To call (ask someone to come).
- hualnemi. To be born.
- hualquiztia. To go out. Future.
- hualtepotztoca. To follow (someone).
- hueca. Far, distant.
- huecauhtica. For a while, for some time (short).
- huehca. Far.
- huehue. Old. plural: huehuetque.
- huehuetlahtolli. Old word. Cultural legacy, tradition, culture.
- hueitlamahuizoltica. Wonderfully
- huel. Right, well. Is used as 'can' with another verb in future tense.
- huelic. Tasty, good.
- hueltiuhtli. Sister.
- huetzca. To laugh.
- huetzi. To fall down.
- huetzquitia. To make laugh.
- huexolotl. Turkey.
- huica. To take (something-someone to another place).
- huilotl. Pigeon.
- huiptla. The day after tomorrow.
- huitzitzilin. Hummingbird.
- i. To drink
- ic. That's why, because.
- ica. With.
- ica paquiliztli. Gladly.
- icalixpan. In front of someone's home
- ichantzinco. In someone's home, to someone's home.
- ichcatl. Lamb.
- ichpochtli. Young woman. plural: ichpopochtin.
- iciuhca. Quickly, Fast.
- icniuhtli. Brother, friend.
- icnotl. Poor.
- icpalli. Chair, stool.
- icuac. When. While.
- icuitlapan. Behind.
- icxitl. Foot, (human) leg, (animal) back leg.
- ihcuiloa. To write.
- ihcuilotic. It is written that
- ihtoa. To talk, to say.
- ihuan. And.
- ihuicpa. From.
- ilhuia. To tell.
- ilhuicatl. Sky, heaven. ilhuicac.- At the sky, at heaven.
- imacaci. To fear, to be afraid.
- in aquin. The one who - .
- in canin. Where. At.
- in ihuicpa. From
- in oquic. While.
- in oyuh. Once that -, as soon as -
- in quenin. How.
- in tiein. The one that, the one which.
- in xochtl in cuicatl. Poetry, poem.
- in yuh. Like, as.
- inech monequi. It's necessary.
- inin. This.
- iniquein. These.
- iniqueon. Those.
- inon. That.
- intia. If.
- intzalan. Between.
- ipan. On, on top of.
- itech calli. Inside the house.
- ititl. Belly.
- itqui. To take, to carry.
- itquin. When (?).
- itta. To see.
- itzcuintli. Dog. plural: itzcuintin.
- ixcueloa. To nod (say yes with the head).
- ixmati. To know. past: oquixmat.
- ixquich. Every, everything, all.
- ixtelolotl. Eye.
- izcatqui. Here is -, this is it.
- iztac. White.
- iztalia. To whiten.
- iztatl. Salt.
- iztaya. To become white.
- iztitl. Finger nail.
- ma. To hunt.
- ma xipatinemi. May you be well, farewell.
- maca. To give.
- macamo. Negation. macamo xitequipacho = do not worry.
- macehualli. Commoner, not of the nobility.
- machiotil Signal. reverential: machiotzintli.
- machtia. To teach, to show.
- macuilli. Five.
- macuilli ic. Fifth.
- maitl. Hand.
- maiahua. To slip.
- maquixtia. To save, to release, to set free.
- mati. To know.
- matlactli. Ten.
- matli. Arm, (animal) front leg.
- mauhcatlayecoani. Coward.
- maxitia. To come closer, to get closer. (from moaxitia).
- mayana. Hunger, to be hungry.
- mazatl. Deer. plural: mamazah.
- mecatl. Rope.
- mehua. To get up, to stand up.
- melahuac. Straight.
- metlatl. Grinding stones.
- metzli. Herb.
- meztli Moon. Month.
- mexicatl. Mexican.
- michin. Fish.
- mictia. To kill.
- mihtoa. It is said that.
- millacatl. Farmer, country laborer.
- miqui. To die.
- mitz-. - you, to you.
- miztli. Puma, cougar.
- mizton. Cat.
- mocactia. To put shoes on.
- mocahuilia. To leave (something)
- mocehuia. To rest.
- mocentlalia, To gather, reunite.
- mochantia. To reside, to live at.
- mochi. Everything, all. plural: mochintin.
- mochihua. To happen (an event).
- mochihua. To become, to turn into.
- mochipa. Always.
- mocochcayotia. To dine, have dinner.
- mococoa. To be sick.
- mocuepa. To transform oneself, to turn into.
- mohuelmati. To feel good.
- molcaxitl. Grinding stone (for salsa).
- momaquilia. To give.
- momaquixtilia. To free, to liberate.
- momatequia. To wash one's hands.
- momauhtia. To be frightened.
- momayahui. To throw oneself.
- momotzoa. To rub, massage.
- momoztlae. Daily, every day.
- monamictia. To marry.
- monequiltia. To love.
- mopopolhuilia. To forgive.
- moquetza. To stand up.
- motenehua. One's name, to be called (used as a verb).
- motlalia. Sit on, to be placed at
- motlaquentia. To get dressed.
- motlatoa. To run.
- moyetztica. To be. Plural, reverential: moyetzicate.
- moztla. Tomorrow
- nacaocuilin. Maggot (lit. 'meat-worm')
- nacatl. Meat.
- nacayotl. Body.
- nacaztli. Ear.
- nahualli. Warlock, witch.
- nahuatia. To command, to order.
- nahuatlahtolli. Nahuatl language.
- nahuatlatoltica. In nahuatl language.
- nahui. Four.
- nalquiza. To pass, pass by.
- namaca. To sell.
- namictli. Husband, wife.
- nanquilia. To answer, to respond.
- nantli. Mother. plural: nantin. Reverential: nantzintli.
- ne, nehua, nehuatl. I, me.
- nech-. To me.
- neci. To appear (materialize).
- nehnemi. To walk.
- nelhuayotl. Root, base, foundation.
- nemachtiloyan. School.
- nemi. To live.
- nenepilli. Tongue.
- nequi. To want.
- neuctli. Honey.
- ni-. I, me (as a prefix).
- nican. Here.
- niltze. Hello (!).
- niman. Later, afterwards.
- nimanic. Right away, now.
- nimitzittaz. I'll see you.
- nixtamalli. Corn paste for tortillas or tamales.
- no. Also.
- nocenyeliz. My family.
- nochtli. Cactus (nopal).
- nohuan. With me.
- nohuican. Also, too.
- noihuan. Also, too.
- notza. To call someone, to talk with someone.
- notzontecon. My head.
- noyuhqui. Also, too.
- nozo. Or, either.
- oc. Still, yet.
- oc achi. More. A little more.
- oc cequi. Another. plural: oc cequin.
- oc yohuatzinco. Very early, at dawn.
- occe. Another.
- occe tlamantli. Something else, one more thing.
- occepa. Again.
- occequi. Another. plural: occequintin.
- ocelotl. Jaguar.
- ocnamacoyan. Bar, liquor store.
- ocuilin. Worm, maggot.
- ohtli. Road, way, trail.
- ohualla. Came.
- ome. Two.
- omitl. Bone.
- ompa. There.
- onehua. To depart.
- oni. To drink.
- onimitzittac. I saw you.
- onimitzittacca. I had seen you.
- opoch. Left (side).
- opochtli. Left (side).
- oquichtli. Male. plural: oquichtin.
- otiacicoh. We have arrived.
- oztotl. Cave.
- oztoc: In the cave.
- paca. To wash.
- pactia. To please, to give pleasure.
- pahcalli. Drugstore.
- pahpiani. Pharmaceutic (profession).
- pahti. To cure
- pahtia. To cure
- pahtli. Medicine.
- palehuia. To help.
- paltic. Wet.
- pampa. Because
- panoltia. To invite someone in.
- papaca. To wash.
- papalotl. Butterfly.
- papatlaca. To tremble, to shiver, to shake.
- paqui. To be happy.
- patlani. To fly.
- patzca. To squeeze, to juice.
- pechtli. Bed.
- pehua (ni-). To start, to begin.
- pehua (nic-). To win, to triumph.
- petlatl. Bed.
- pilli. Son.
- pilli. Noble, prince.
- piltzintli. Son. (Reverential)
- pitzahuac. Thin,. plural: pitzahuaque.
- pitzotl. Pig.
- pochtecatl. Merchant, salesperson.
- poctli. Smoke.
- pohua. To count, to read.
- popoca. To smoke.
- potoni. To stink, to smell bad.
- quema. Yes.
- quenin. How (?)
- quenin otimohuicac? How did it go ?.
- quezqui. How much? How many?
- quilmach. It is said, they say.
- quimichin. Mouse.
- quin axcan. Recently, a short while ago.
- quin tepan. Later, afterwards.
- quiyahui. To rain.
- quiyahuitl. Rain.
- quiza. To go out.
- quizaliztli. Migration, departure.
- tahtli. Father. plural: tahtin. reverential: tahtzintli.
- tamalli. Tamale.
- te, tehua, tehuatl. You. reverential: tehuatzin.
- tech-. We, to us.
- techalotl. Squirrel.
- teci. To grind.
- tecolotl. Owl.
- tecuani. Wild beast.
- tecuhtli. Lord. plural, reverential : tecuhtzintli.
- tehuan, tehuantin. We, us.
- Teica ?. Why ?.
- tel. But.
- telpochcalli. College, university.
- telpochtli. Boy, young man. plural: telpopochtin.
- temachtiani. Teacher, tutor. plural: temachtianimeh, reverential: temachticatzintli.
- temamauhti. Horrible, terrifying, scary. plural: temamauhtique.
- temazcalli. Steam bath.
- temo. To descend, to go down.
- temoa. To look for.
- teneyeyecoitiliztli. Temptation.
- teniza. To breakfast.
- tennamiqui. To kiss.
- tentli. Lip. Edge, border.
- tentzontli. Moustache, whiskers.
- teocalli. Temple.
- teocuitlatl. Gold (literally, wonderful waste).
- teopixqui. Priest. plural: teopixque.
- teotl. Wonderful, awesome. Terrifying. To some scholars, God.
- teotlac. Afternoon, during the afternoon.
- tepahtiani. Doctor, medic, healer.
- tepec. Hill.
- tepehuani. Conquistador.
- tepepan. At the hill, in the wilderness.
- tepetl. Mountain, volcano.
- tepolli. Penis.
- teponaxtli. Snail.
- tequipachoa. To worry.
- tequipanoa. To work, to labor.
- tetl. Stone, rock.
- texocotl. Tejocote (small winter fruit).
- texocotzopelloti. Tejocote jam, preserved tejocotes.
- ti-. You (singular). Us (subject prefix).
- ticitl. Doctor, medic, healer.
- titlani. To send.
- tlaca. Afternoon. Late.
- tlacachihua. To procreate, to have children.
- tlacamati. To obey.
- tlacamatli. Obedience.
- tlacatecolotl. Devil. Literally "Afternoon Owl", "Owl man".
- tlacatilia. To get pregnant, conception.
- tlacatl. Person. plural: tlacah. Reverential: tlacatzintli.
- tlachia. To look, to see.
- tlachpana. To sweep, To broom.
- tlacua. To eat, to feed.
- tlacualchihualoyan. Kitchen.
- tlacualli. Food.
- tlacualoyan. Diner, dining room.
- tlacualtia. To feed, to give food.
- tlahtlacolli. Offense.
- tlahtli. Uncle.
- tlahtoa. To talk, to speak.
- tlahtoani. King. plural: tlahtoanime.
- tlahtocayotl. Kingdom, state, nation.
- tlahtolli. Language, tongue, Word, speech.
- tlahtoque. Nobles, princes.
- tlahuilli. Light.
- tlalia. To put.
- tlalticpac. At or on the earth.
- tlamachtilli. Pupil. plural: tlamachtiltin.
- tlamaneloa. To swim.
- tlamatini. Wise person, wisdom. plural: tlamatinime.
- tlami. To finish. past: otlan.
- tlaneci. Dawn.
- tlanequiliztli. Will, willpower.
- tlantli. Tooth.
- tlaocoya. Sad, to be sad.
- tlaolli. Corn.
- tlapaloa. To greet.
- tlapalotiuh. To go to greet someone.
- tlapana. To break.
- tlapoa. To open. (as well, 'tlapohua')
- tlapopolhuia. To forgive.
- tlaquemitl. Clothes.
- tlathui. Dawn.
- tlatla. To burn.
- tlatlacalhuia. To offense, to insult.
- tlatlani. To ask (a question).
- tlatlatilcuahuitl. Firewood.
- tlatquitl. Patrimony.
- tlatzacuillotl. Door (THE door).
- tlatzomia. To meow.
- tlaxcalchihua. To make tortillas.
- tlaxcalli. Tortillas, bread.
- tlaxcalmana. To make bread.
- tlaza. To bring down, to knock down.
- tlazocamati. Thanks, Thank you.
- tlazohtla. To love.
- tlazolli. Garbage, waste.
- tle inic amo. Why not ?.
- tle ipampa. Why ?.
- tleca. Why ?.
- tleco. To climb, to go up.
- tlecuil. Stove.
- tlecuilco. On the stove.
- tlecuilli. Stove, cooking fire.
- tlen. What.
- tletl. Fire.
- toca. To sow.
- toca. To bury.
- tocaitl. Name. reverential: tocatzintli.
- tocatl. Spider.
- tochtli. Rabbit.
- toltecatl. Wise one, Science man, Knowledgeable.
- tomahuac. Fat, thick.
- tonalli. Day.
- tonehua. To hurt, to suffer pain.
- totechmonequi, totech monequi. We need.
- totolayotl. Chicken soup.
- totolin. Turkey.
- totoltetl. Egg.
- tototl. Bird.
- tozquitl. Throat.
- tzacua. To close.
- tzahualli, spider web.
- tzatzi. To scream, to shout.
- tzontecomatl. Head.
- tzontli. Hair.
- tzopelic. Sweet.
- xacamitl. Adobe
- xayacatl. Face.
- xihuitl. Herb. Leaf. Year.
- xinachtli. Seed.
- xiquipiltontli. Bag.
- xitomatl. Tomato.
- xochicualli. Fruit (lit. flower-good)
- xochitl. Flower.
- xococ. Sour.
- xocotl. Plum.
- xocoyotzin. The smallest, the youngest.
- xonacatl. Onion.
- xoncalaqui. Get in (!).
- xoxoctic. Green.
- yacatl. Nose.
- yalhua. Yesterday.
- yancuic. New.
- yauh. To go.
- ye. Ready, done.
- ye tlaca. It's late.
- ye, yehua, yehuatl. He, she, it. reverential: yehuatzin.
- yec. Right (side).
- yeccaqui. To understand, to comprehend.
- yeceh. Though, nonetheless.
- yectenehua. To bless, to sanctify.
- yectli. Good, beautiful, pretty, nice. plural: yeyectin.
- yehuan, yehuantin. They. reverential: yehuantzitzin.
- yei. Three.
- yemania. To become soft.
- yemanilia. To make soft.
- yencuic. New.
- yencuilia. To make new.
- yencuiya. To become new.
- yetiayohuac. It's night, It's late.
- yetic. Heavy.
- yetl. Bean.
- yohuac. Night.
- yohualtica. At night.
- yolcatl. Insect.
- yoli. To live.
- yollotl. Heart.
- yolpaqui. To be happy.
- yuhquin. Like this, this way.
- zan niman. Right away, immediately.
- zan tepitzin. Just a little. exp
- zatepan. Later. adj
- zatlatzonco. Lastly, finally. con
- zayolin. Fly (the insect). sus
- zazanilli. Story, tale. sus
- zolin. Quail. sus
- zoquipan. In the mud. exp
- zoquitl. Mud. sus
- zoquiyo. Muddy. exp