N4 (notation)
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N4 is another notation for RDF like languages. It is named N4 because it is "after" N3.
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The Syntax
The N4 syntax is intentionally very simple:
N4 = '(' *(uri (uri | String | N4)) ')'
A short example:
( n4ns:n4 http://n4.org/n4/ n4ns:p http://x.org/personal/ n4ns: http://x.org/docs/1/ p:Person (a n4:Class n4:dof (li x:address li x:name) ) p:Address (a n4:Class n4:dof (li p:city li p:street) ) (li p:city li p:street)(a n4:Property n4:range n4:String) :me (a p:Person p:id "me" p:address (a p:Address id :me/address p:city "Paris" ) ) :me/address (p:street "tur") )
Comments about the example
- it is a parenthesized expression
- namespaces are used as shorthands for uris
- the empty namespace is the current n4 document
- each n4 expression is a sequence of attribute-value pairs
- An attribute name can be a n4 expression
- a n4 expression denotes an "object", i.e. an uri with assertions on it.
- keywords 'a', 'li' and 'id' are "specials" uris
- 'a' types an expression
- 'li' introduces an element of a list
- 'id' names an expression in a namespace
- a blind list in subject position is a list a of subjects
RDF based notations use a metaclass based design which can be used to represent things in a very concise way. Lets recall that a Metaclass is a class whose instances are also classes.
Metaclasses allow to define class variables, i.e. slot values hold by classes. Class variables are naturally shared by all instances of the class.
:mc (a n4:Class n4:subClassOf n4:Class) (li :fcolor li :bcolor) (a n4:Property n4:domain :mc) :c (a :mc :fcolor "red") :o1 (a :c) :o2 (a :c)
- :o1 and :o2 are instances of c and share the value of the slot :fcolor.
- :c is a class whose class is a metaclass
- :c is also a regular object.
Shared slots allow to use an interesting idiom : only define objects which are classes, and derive them following the two relations is-instance-of AND is-subclass-of. Lets note this double relation by the keyword "as".
:c1 (as :c :bcolor "white") :c2 (as :c1 :fcolor "red") :c3 (as :c1 :fcolor "blue") :c4 (as :c3 :bcolor "red")
Here is presented the WRSDL format, which allows to type web resources on a given site, and to map various url schemes to these resources.
An example:
(n4ns: http://n4.org/wrsdl/s1 n4ns:r http://n4.org/wrsdl/1.0/schema :site (a r:Site r:name "example site" li (a r:Resource r:name "home" id :home li (a r:Get r:description "the home page " li (a r:Accept r:mime "text/html") li (a r:Accept r:mime "application/n4" r:class :Home) ) ) li (a r:Resource r:name "welcome" id :welcome r:description "splash" li (a r:Get li (a r:Accept r:mime "image/gif" id :welcome/gif) li (a r:Accept r:mime "image/png" id :welcome/png) ) ) ) :xmap (a r:Mappings r:host "n4.org:4445" r:context "/example/s1") :map/home (as :xmap li (a r:Mapping r:of :home li (a r:Path r:value "/Home") ) ) :map/welcome (as x:map li (a r:Mapping r:of :welcome li (a r:Path r:value "/Welcome") li (a r:Parameter r:name "size" r:type :sizes) ) ) :sizes (a r:Enumeration li "small" li "big" li "huge") :Home (a r:LinkSequence)