Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (abbreviated Phystech or MIPT, Russian language: Физтех or МФТИ) is one of the better known Russian universities, sometimes referred to as the "Russian MIT". The Institute's primary facilities are located in Dolgoprudny, Moscow's satellite town.
The Institute was founded in 1946 as a department of Moscow State University by a group of prominent members of USSR Academy of Sciences. Over the years, MIPT became the main training facility for researchers and engineers in the areas of applied and theoretical physics, with the emphasis on military research projects. The so called "Phystech System" (of education) is famous for preparing a large part of the Soviet/Russian scientific resources over the course of half-a-century.
- Radio Engineering and Cybernetics
- General and Applied Physics
- Aerophysics and Space Research
- Molecular and Biology Physics
- Physical and Quantum Electronics
- Aeromechanics and Flying Engineering (located in Zhukovsky)
- Applied Mathematics and Economics
- Problems of Physics and Power Engineering
External link
- Official web site (
- Older official web site (
- Non Canonical Phystech (non-official, but more informative) (Московский физико-технический институт