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Miramare Castle
The Castle, now a museum, affords a panoramic view of the Bay of Grignano and the Adriatic beyond from atop a rock promontory. It is surrounded by an Italian-style garden, with flora (including rare species) from all over the world. There is also a marine park. The Castle's park is shared with two of the many scientific facilities of the city, i.e. the International Centre for Theoretical Physics ICTP "Abdus Salam" (http://www.ictp.it/) and Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) (http://www.sissa.it). A nice history of the events which leaded to this situation can be found in the biography of the centre co-founder Paolo Budinich, "L' arcipelago delle meraviglie" (Di Renzo Editore, Italian version only AFAIK)
External links
- Miramar Castle - Official Site (http://www.castello-miramare.it)
- Miramar Castle - Schloss Miramar (http://triestenet.tripod.com/miramar.htm)it:Castello di Miramare