Miquel Martí i Pol (March 19 1929 - November 11 2003) was one of the most popular poets in Catalan in the 20th century.
Martí i Pol was from humble origin and had to quit studying at 14 years, to start working at a factory. Nevertheless, he started publishing poetry in 1954. In 1970 he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. In spite of the illness, he continued publishing high quality poetry. His poetry became very popular in Catalonia.
Below are some of his main works,
- Paraules al vent. 1954.
- Vint-i-set poemes en tres temps. 1972
- L'arrel i l'escorça. 1975.
- El llarg viatge. 1976.
- Amb vidres a la sang. 1977.
- Estimada Marta. 1978.
- Suite de Parlavà. 1991.
External link
- Brief biography (http://www.escriptors.com/autors/martipolm/other.html)