Meteor Garden
Meteor Garden was a Taiwanese television series based on the Japanese manga Hana yori Dango (The Boys More Than Flowers). It starred Jerry Yan, Vic Zhou, Vanness Wu, Ken Chu and Barbie Hsu. The plot centers around the poor San Cai (Barbie Hsu) who goes to a school for very rich kids. Dao Ming Si (Jerry Yan), who is the son of a very rich woman, falls in love with her. This is the show that shot the boy band F4 to fame.
There was also a second season, Meteor Garden II.
- Jerry Yan - Dao Ming Si
- Barbie Hsu - San Cai
- Vic Zhou - Hua Zhe Lei
- Ken Chu - Xi Men
- Vanness Wu - Mei Zuo
External links
- Meteor Garden fan site (