Memoir of Halldór Laxness was published in 2003. The memoir is named Halldór, and is the first part of three, part two will be named Kiljan and part three Laxness. Part two will hopefully be published in 2004.
Part I, Halldór
This part is 620 pages long, including references and index. The book was published by Almenna bókafélagiđ and is in Icelandic.
It covers the years 1902 to 1932; his first years as a child, his years in Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík, his first dictations from his works, his first travels to foreign countries and adventures there, his stay in the abbey, his relationships with other authors, his first four books and his stay in America.
Part II, Kiljan
Hopefully this part will be published in 2004.