Missing image
Hesiod and the Muse, 1891 - Oil on canvas, Musee d'Orsay, Paris Gustave Moreau
Melpomene ("to sing") was a Muse in Greek mythology. She was the muse of tragedy, despite her joyous singing. She is often represented with a tragic mask and wearing the cothurnus, boots traditionally worn by tragic actors. Often, she also holds a knife or club in one hand and the tragic mask in the other. On her head she is shown wearing a crown of cypress.
- There is also an asteroid 18 Melpomene.
Calliope | Clio | Erato | Euterpe | Melpomene | Polyhymnia | Terpsichore | Thalia | Urania
de:Melpomene fr:Melpomène it:Melpomene lb:Melpomene nl:Melpomene pl:Melpomene pt:Melpômene