Maverick (TV series)
Maverick is a comedy-western television series created by Roy Huggins that ran from September 22, 1957 to July 8, 1962 on ABC. The series starred James Garner as Bret Maverick, a wise-cracking gambler, and Jack Kelly as his brother Bart. (Toward the end of the series, Roger Moore had a recurring role as their English cousin Beau.)
Spin offs
The series had a number of spin-offs:
- Young Maverick (1979), a short-lived revival starring Charles Frank as Ben Maverick, another cousin
- Bret Maverick (1981-82), another revival starring Garner as an older-but-no-wiser Bret Maverick
- Maverick (1994), a movie starring Mel Gibson as Bret Maverick, with Garner in a significant supporting role
- In addition, the DC Comics character, Bat Lash, emulates the Mavericks in many respects.
External link
- Template:Imdb title
- Museum of Broadcast Communications: Maverick (
- Tim's TV Showcase: Maverick (http:///
- TV Tome - Maverick (
- The Maverick TV Show ( page at Crazy About TV contains trivia, a description, cast information, and an episodes list for the series.
- Making of "Maverick" (
- Maverick Broke the Rules for Westerns on TV ( by Ed RobertsonTemplate:Tvseries-stub