The Matres or Matronae (Latin for "important mothers/ladies") were ancient deities venerated in northwestern Europe from the 1st to the 5th century AD. They are believed to have originated in Celtic cultures.
Matronae were representations of motherhood, often displayed with fertility symbols such as baskets or cornucopias of fruit and bread, or babies. They are usually depicted wearing long garments with one breast bared.
The cult of the Matres was widespread, with monuments to them having been discovered in Gaul, Germania, northern Italy and northern Spain. Just as the religion had a wide range of adherents, so were the identities of the Matronae widespread. They differed widely from place to place, with a great many names: Alaferhuic, Cartovallensic, Rumaneheic, Vatviaic-Nersihenic mothers, and many others. In Glanum, Provence they were called the Glanicae. Their number was most likely influenced by the Celtic tradition of triplism, which deemed the number three to be particularly auspicious.
See also Dea