In computing, Mail List Manager is software to manage the operation of e-mail lists (see also: Mailing lists). These can be discussion lists, newsletters, moderated lists, or other specialized types.
Examples of mail list managers include Ezmlm, Majordomo, Liststar, Mailman, Tinylist, Listserv, and Dada Mail (formerly known as Mojo Mail). Features, methods of management, and ease of use vary widely: some packages are administered entirely by e-mail, whereas others use Web pages and scripts for management. Likewise, implementation varies widely: some are written in compiled languages (typically C), others in interpeted languages--historically, the interpeted language of choice has been Perl, though an increasing number are implemented in Python. An informal survey indicates interpeted implementations are more common.
Many licensing arrangements are used, although several are available under the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).