Mach Five
The Mach Five is the racing car Speed Racer drives in the anime series of the same name. It was designed, built, and created by Pops Racer, Speed Racer's father. It features a set of special devices which Speed Racer uses throughout the series. In the original 1966 series, the Mach Five is a white racing car with an 'M' written on its hood. In the 1993 American remake, the design was completely changed.
Its name probably derives from the fact that speeds above Mach 5 are known as hypersonic. However, the Mach Five cannot reach Mach speeds.
Special features
The car has seven mechanisms triggered by buttons labelled form A to G on the steering column. Their functions were:
Button A: Releases four jacks to boost the car up so that it can be repaired. Although designed for this function, the auto jacks are more often used to leap the car short distances at high speeds, as a wedge to prevent the car from toppling over a waterfall, as alternative braking systems, and as a tool to crush cars in a car-wrestling match.
Button B: Sprouts special grip tires for traction over any kind of terrain (firm, icy, or unsteady ground; ocean floor; vertical mountainsides). At the same time, 5,000 horsepower (3.7 MW) is distributed equally to each wheel by auxiliary engines.
Button C: Powerful rotary saws protrude from the front of the Mach Five to slash and cut any and all obstacles. The rotary saws have also been used as a means of self-defense.
Button D: Releases a powerful deflector which seals the cockpit into an air-conditioned, bullet- and crash-proof, and water-tight chamber. Inside it, the driver is completely isolated and shielded. The deflector also protects against sleeping gas.
Button E: The control for special illumination which can be traversed singly or in tandem, and which enables to see much farther and more clearly than with ordinary headlights. When used with the “night shades” attached to Speed’s helmet, his vision is enhanced with infrared light.
Button F: Used when the Mach Five is under water. First, the cockpit is supplied with oxygen. Then, a periscope is raised to scan the surface of the water. Everything that is seen is relayed down to the driver's seat by television. The 100 pound [45 kg] auxiliary supply of oxygen is enough to last for thirty minutes.
Button G: Releases a homing robot from the front of the car. The homing robot can carry pictures or tape recorded messages, handwritten messages, X-ray film, rope, and small Egyptian statues, and it has been used as a means of defense. The bird-like device is operated by a built-in remote control within the cockpit. A separate button sends the robot “home”.
Also, the Mach Five also has a small trunk, which is unusual in a race car but which featured in many episodes, often as a hiding place for supporting characters Spritle and Chim-Chim.