Low Sunday
Also known as White Sunday, Quasimodo Sunday, Alb Sunday, and Antipascha Sunday, Low Sunday is the Sunday after Easter. It is sometimes said that the name derives its relative unimportance compared to the solemnities of Easter Day, but it is more likely that "low" is a corruption of the Latin Laudes, the first word of the Sequence of the day: "Laudes Salvatori voce modulemur supplici". The newly baptised often wore white garments on this day (hence "White" and "Alb" Sunday). Quasimodo means "semi-formed" and Antipascha means "after the lamb".
Since 1970, this Sunday has been officially known as the Second Sunday of Easter (that is to say, the Easter season) in the Roman Catholic Church. Since 2000, it has been designated Divine Mercy Sunday.
This Sunday is apparently known as Quasimodo Sunday because the traditional Introit for this day begins Quasi modo geniti infantes (As newborn babes), from the First Epistle of Peter.
In the Eastern Orthodox Church, the first Sunday after Pascha (Easter) is called Thomas Sunday, after the Gospel passage read that day which recounts the story of Christ appearing to St. Thomas in order to dispel his doubt about the Resurrection.