Lorenzo Lotto

The Nativity, 1523.
Lorenzo Lotto (c.1480 - 1556) was an Italian painter active during the Renaissance.
Born in Venice, he worked in Venice, Rome, Bergamo and possibly Tuscany. He trained in the studio of Giovanni Bellini, along with Giorgione and Titian. In 1552 he entered the Holy Sanctuary at Loreto, becoming a lay brother.
Template:Commonscat Lotto's work is characterized by a mixture of Venetian and northern European styles. He is most noted for his portraits.
His work includes:
- St. Dominic Polyptych (1506-08)
- Portrait of a Youth Against a White Curtain (http://www.khm.at/system2E.html?/staticE/page166.html) (c.1508)
- Madonna and Child, with St. Flavian and St. Onophrius (http://www.galleriaborghese.it/borghese/en/econvlott.htm) (1508), oil on wood
- Portrait of a Jeweler (http://www.getty.edu/art/collections/objects/o599.html) (1509-12), oil on canvas
- Christ Leading the Apostles to Mount Tabor (http://www.hermitagemuseum.org/fcgi-bin/db2www/descrPage.mac/descrPage?selLang=English&indexClass=PICTURE_EN&PID=GJ-103&numView=1&ID_NUM=3&thumbFile=%2Ftmplobs%2FFN_4001RSZIVS90LO06.jpg&embViewVer=noEmb&comeFrom=quick&sorting=no&thumbId=6&numResults=3&tmCond=Lotto&searchIndex=TAGFILEN&author=Lotto%2C%26%2332%3BLorenzo) (1511/12), oil on canvas
- Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome and Nicholas of Tolentino (http://www.mfa.org/handbook/portrait.asp?id=193.5&s=6) (1523-24), oil on canvas
- Madonna and Child (http://www.getty.edu/art/collections/objects/o737.html) (c.1525-30), oil on canvas
- Portrait of a Man with a Felt Hat (http://cybermuse.gallery.ca/cybermuse/search/artwork_e.jsp?mkey=46218) (1541)
In his Lives, Giorgio Vasari included a biography of Lorenzo Lotto.cs: Lorenzo Lotto it: Lorenzo Lotto