List of social psychologists
Famous Social Psychologists:
- Gordon Allport
- Michael Argyle
- Elliot Aronson
- Solomon Asch
- Alex Bavelas
- Howard Becker
- Daryl Bem
- Gustav Le Bon
- Hadley Cantril
- Merrill Carlsmith
- Robert Cialdini
- Erik Erikson
- Leon Festinger
- Thomas Gilovich
- Erving Goffman
- Fritz Heider
- Carl Hovland
- Irving Janis
- Edward E. Jones
- Abraham Kaplan
- Kurt Lewin
- G. H. Mead
- Stanley Milgram
- Serge Moscovici
- Richard Nisbett
- Lee Ross
- Stanley Schachter
- Muzafer Sherif
- Henry Tajfel
- Gabriel Tarde
- Norman Triplett
- Gary Wells
- Robert Zajonc
- Alvin Zander
- Philip Zimbardo
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See also: list of psychologists