Template:Politics of Brazil
This article lists political parties in Brazil.
Brazil has a multi-party system, with numerous parties in which no one party often has a chance of gaining power alone, and parties must work with each other to form coalition governments.
The parties
- The general rule on naming applies. That means: the parties are named in the English translation and the original native name is placed on the first line of the article unless the native form is more commonly used in English than the English form. Rationale and specifics: See: Wikipedia:Naming conventions (use English).
Most of the following parties were registered on the Electoral Court (Tribunal Superior Eleitoral) as of 1999. In elections, Brazilian political parties are identified by a two-digit number which is also used to identify that party's candidates.
Major parties
Name (Portuguese)
Name (English)
Ideological Position
| Partido Comunista do Brasil
| Communist Party of Brazil
| left |
| Partido Democrático Trabalhista
| Democratic Labour Party
| center-left
| 12
| Partido Popular Socialista
| Socialist People's Party
| center-left
| 23
| Partido Socialista Brasileiro
| Brazilian Socialist Party
| center-left
| 40
| Partido dos Trabalhadores
| Workers' Party
| center-left
| 13
<td width="10%"> PMDB |
<td width="30%">Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro
<td width="30%">Party of the Brazilian Democratic Movement
<td width="20%">center
<td width="10%">15
<td width="10%"> PTB
<td width="30%">Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro
<td width="30%">Brazilian Labour Party
<td width="20%">center-right
<td width="10%">14
<td width="10%"> PSDB
<td width="30%">Partido da Social-Democracia Brasileira
<td width="30%">Party of the Brazilian Social Democracy
<td width="20%">center
<td width="10%">45
<td width="10%"> PFL
<td width="30%">Partido da Frente Liberal
<td width="30%">Party of the Liberal Front
<td width="20%">right
<td width="10%">25
<td width="10%"> PP
<td width="30%">Partido Progressista
<td width="30%">Progressive Party
<td width="20%">right
<td width="10%">11
<td width="10%"> PL
<td width="30%">Partido Liberal
<td width="30%">Liberal Party
<td width="20%">center-right
<td width="10%">22
Minor Parties
Name (Portuguese)
Name (English)
Ideological Position
<tr><td width="10%"> PCO
<td width="30%">Partido da Causa Operária
<td width="30%">Party of the Working Class's Cause
<td width="30%">extreme left
<tr><td width="10%"> PCB
<td width="30%">Partido Comunista Brasileiro
<td width="30%">Brazilian Communist Party
<td width="30%">extreme left
<td width="10%"> PCML
<td width="30%">Partido Comunista Marxista-Leninista
<td width="30%">Marxist-Leninist Communist Party
<td width="30%">extreme left
<td width="10%"> PSTU
<td width="30%">Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores
<td width="30%">United Socialist Workers' Party
<td width="30%">extreme left
<td width="10%"> PGT
<td width="30%">Partido Geral dos Trabalhadores
<td width="30%">General Party of the Workers
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PHS
<td width="30%">Partido Humanista da Solidariedade
<td width="30%">Humanist Party of Solidarity
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PV
<td width="30%">Partido Verde
<td width="30%">Green Party
<td width="30%">center-left
<td width="10%"> PAN
<td width="30%">Partido dos Aposentados da Nação
<td width="30%">Party of the Nation's Retirees
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PF
<td width="30%">Partido Federalista
<td width="30%">Federalist Party
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PMN
<td width="30%">Partido da Mobilização Nacional
<td width="30%">Party of National Mobilization
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PNC
<td width="30%">Partido Nacional do Consumidor
<td width="30%">National Consumers' Party
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PTdoB
<td width="30%">Partido Trabalhista do Brasil
<td width="30%">Labour Party of Brazil
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PST
<td width="30%">Partido Social Trabalhista
<td width="30%">Social Labour Party
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PTN
<td width="30%">Partido Trabalhista Nacional
<td width="30%">National Labour Party
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PRTN
<td width="30%">Partido Renovador Trabalhista Nacional
<td width="30%">Brazilian Renewal Labour Party
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PSC
<td width="30%">Partido Socialista Cristão
<td width="30%">Social Christian Party
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PSDC
<td width="30%">Partido Social-Democrata Cristão
<td width="30%">Social Democratic Christian Party
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PSL
<td width="30%">Partido Social Liberal
<td width="30%">Social Liberal Party
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PSN
<td width="30%">Partido da Solidariedade Nacional
<td width="30%">Party of the National Solidarity
<td width="30%">center
<td width="10%"> PRP
<td width="30%">Partido Republicano Progressista
<td width="30%">Republican Progressive Party
<td width="30%">right
<td width="10%"> Prona
<td width="30%">Partido da Reedificação da Ordem Nacional
<td width="30%">Party of the Reconstruction of the National Order
<td width="30%">extreme right
<td width="10%"> PSOL
<td width="30%">Partido Socialismo e Liberdade
<td width="30%">Socialism and Freedom Party
<td width="30%">extreme left
Historical Parties