List of partition topics
This is a list of partition topics, in the mathematical sense. For the political sense of the word partition see for example: history of Cyprus, history of Ireland, partition of India, partitions of Poland, 1947 UN Partition Plan (Palestine). The partition disambiguation page lists meanings in other fields as well.
In mathematics, a partition is either
- a partition of a set, or
- a partition of an integer, or
- a partition of an interval, or
- a partition of unity, or
- a partition of a matrix; see block matrix, or
- a partition of the sum of squares in statistics problems, especially in the analysis of variance.
List of topics
- Bell number
- Cumulant
- Data clustering
- Equivalence relation
- Ewens's sampling formula
- Exponential formula
- Faà di Bruno's formula
- Ferrers graph
- Integer partition
- Kernel of a function
- Landau's function
- Law of total cumulance
- Noncrossing partition
- Ordered partition of a set
- Partition function (number theory)
- Partition function (quantum field theory)
- Partition function (statistical mechanics)
- Partition of an interval
- Partition of a number
- Partition of a set
- Partition of unity
- Pentagonal number theorem
- Stirling number
- Stratification (mathematics)
- Young tableau