This list of the nearest galaxies to Earth is ordered by increasing distance. Many of the distances are only rough estimates, and some may be incorrect by 50% or more. Therefore, the distance ranking in this list should be seen only as approximate. Distances are given in light years (ly).
Rank | Galaxy | Distance from Earth | Notes
1. | Milky Way Galaxy | 0 | Home galaxy of Earth
2. | Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy | 25,000 ly | Satellite of Milky Way
3. | Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy | 81,000 ly | Satellite of Milky Way
4. | Large Magellanic Cloud | 160,000 ly | Satellite of Milky Way
5. | Small Magellanic Cloud | 190,000 ly | Satellite of Milky Way
6. | Ursa Minor Dwarf Galaxy | 205,500 ly | Satellite of Milky Way
7. | Draco Dwarf Galaxy | 248,000 ly | Satellite of Milky Way
8. | Sculptor Dwarf Galaxy | 254,000 ly | Satellite of Milky Way
9. | Sextans Dwarf Galaxy | 257,500 ly | Satellite of Milky Way
10. | Carina Dwarf Galaxy | 283,500 ly | Satellite of Milky Way
11. | Fornax Dwarf Galaxy | 427,000 ly | Satellite of Milky Way
12. | Leo II Dwarf Galaxy | 701,000 ly |
13. | Leo I Dwarf Galaxy | 890,000 ly |
14. | Phoenix Dwarf Galaxy | 1,271,000 ly |
15. | Barnards Galaxy (NGC 6822) | 1,760,000 ly |
16. | NGC 185 | 2,021,000 ly | Satellite of Andromeda
17. | NGC 147 | 2,152,000 ly | Satellite of Andromeda
18. | Andromeda Galaxy (M31) | 2,363,000 ly |
19. | M32 (NGC 221) | 2,363,500 ly | Satellite of Andromeda
20. | M110 (NGC 205) | 2,363,500 ly | Satellite of Andromeda
21. | Andromeda I | 2,363,500 ly | Satellite of Andromeda
22. | Andromeda II | 2,363,500 ly | Satellite of Andromeda
23. | Andromeda III | 2,363,500 ly | Satellite of Andromeda
24. | LGS 3 | 2,477,500 ly | Satellite of Triangulum
25. | IC 1613 | 2,494,000 ly |
26. | Triangulum Galaxy (M33) | 2,592,000 ly |
27. | Aquarius Dwarf Galaxy | 2,608,000 ly |
28. | Tucana Dwarf Galaxy | 2,836,000 ly |
29. | Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte Galaxy (WLM) | 3,064,500 ly |
See also