- A Sharp, LLC - http://www.a-sharp.com/
- Adiken - http://www.adiken.com/
- Adventure Knight LLC -
- Aldebaran Imports Inc - http://www.aldebaranimports.com/
- Alderac Entertainment Group - http://www.alderac.com/
- Alea - http://www.aleaspiele.de/
- Alien Menace - http://www.alien-menace.com/
- Amarillo Design Bureau Inc - http://www.starfleetgames.com/
- Anderson Family Games -
- Arcane Games - http://www.arcanegames.com/
- Armorcast - http://www.armorcast.com/
- Avalon Hill - http://www.avalonhill.com/
- Basement Games - http://www.basementgames.com/
- Bastion Press - http://www.bastionpress.com/
- Biohazard Games - http://www.biohazardgames.com/
- Black Dragon Press - http://www.dragonstorm.com/
- Black Orc Games - http://www.100kingdoms.com/
- Black Spiral Dist. - http://www.blackspiral.com/
- Brookhurst Hobbies - http://www.brookhursthobbies.com/
- California Creation - http://www.californiacreations.net/
- Camelot Pewter - http://www.camelotpewter.com/
- capcom - http://www.capcom.com/
- Campaign Outfitters - http://www.aratar.mb.ca/~campaign/
- Chaosium - http://www.chaosium.com/
- Charon Productions - http://www.battlepack2001.com/
- Chessex Manufacturing Co Inc - http://www.chessex.com/
- Cloud Kingdom Games Inc - http://www.cloudkingdom.com/
- Columbia Games - http://www.columbiagames.com/
- Comic Images - http://comicimages.com/
- Comics Retailer Magazine - http://www.comicsretailer.com/
- Creative Illusions, Inc - http://www.creativeillusionsonline.com/
- Crystal Caste LLC - http://www.crystalcaste.com/
- DaGoom Inc - http://www.dagoom.com/
- Dark Ages Miniatures - http://www.dragglestown.com/
- Dart Flipcards Inc. - http://www.dartflipcards.com/
- Datasource Inc - http://www.wargamer.data-source.com
- Days of Wonder - http://www.daysofwonder.com/
- Decipher, Inc. - http://www.decipher.com/
- Deep 7 - http://www.deep7.com/
- Dice & Games Ltd - http://www.dice.co.uk/
- D'Ice Inc. - http://www.rolledbones.com/
- Discount Games/The Gamers Inn - http://www.discountgames.com/
- Doster Company - http://www.dostercompany.com/
- Dream Green - http://www.123oy.com/
- Dream Pod 9 - http://www.dp9.com/
- Dust Bunny Games - http://www.dustbunnygames.com/
- Eagle Games, Inc. - http://www.eaglegames.net/
- Earthsea Games - http://www.earthsea.com/
- Earwig Enterprises - http://www.earwig.net/
- Eden Studios Inc - http://www.edenstudios.net/
- Eight Foot Llama - http://www.eightfootllama.com/
- Elizabeth Newbery -
- Evil Polish Brothers - http://jumpgame.com/
- FaenWorks - http://www.faenworks.com/
- Family Baseball - http://www.familybaseball.com/
- FanPro LLC - http://www.fanpro.com/
- Fleet Games Inc - http://www.fleetgames.com/
- Fluid Entertainment - http://www.fluidnet.com/
- Flying Buffalo - http://www.flyingbuffalo.com/
- ForEverWorld Books - http://www.foreverworld.com/
- Fretters - http://www.fretters.com/
- Galileo Games Inc - http://www.galileogames.com/
- Game Codex - http://www.gamecodex.com/
- Game Figures Inc - http://www.minifigs.com/
- Game Headquarters - http://www.gameheadquarters.com/
- Game Monkey Press - http://www.gmpress.com/
- Game Systems, Inc - http://www.gamesystems.com/
- GAMeBIT - http://www.gamebit.com/
- Games Above Board - http://www.gamesaboveboard.com/
- Games Plus - http://www.games-plus.com/
- Games Quarterly Catalog - http://www.gamesquarterly.com/
- Games Workshop - http://www.games-workshop.com/
- GameTable Online - http://www.gametableonline.com/
- GeoHex - http://www.geohex.com/
- Geomag -
- GMT Games - http://gmtgames.com/
- Gold Rush Games - http://www.goldrushg.com/
- Gorilla Games - http://www.battlestations.info
- Grand Prix International - http://www.grandprixintl.com/
- Great River Games - http://members.tripod.com/~BaronPa/index.html
- Green Ronin Publishing - http://www.greenronin.com/
- Grey Ghost Press, Inc. - http://www.fudgerpg.com/
- Guardians of Order Inc - http://www.guardiansorder.com/
- Hasbro - http://www.hasbro.com/
- Hero Games - http://www.herogames.com/
- Hinterwelt Enterprises LLC - http://www.hinterwelt.com/
- Holistic Design Inc - http://www.holistic-design.com/
- InsideMind Entertainment - http://www.vulgarville.com
- Interactive Imagination - http://www.magi-nation.com/
- Invisible City Productions - http://www.invisible-city.com/
- Iron Crown Enterprises - http://www.ironcrown.com/
- Ironwind Metals - http://www.ironwindmetals.com/
- Issaries, Inc - http://www.glorantha.com/
- JDB Games - http://www.jdbgames.com/
- John Scarne Games Inc. -
- John Wallis (publisher) -
- Journeyman Press - http://www.journeymanpress.com/
- Karmel Games, Inc. - http://karmelgames.com/
- Kenzer & Company - http://www.kenzerco.com/
- Key 20 Publishings - http://www.key20.com/
- Khalsa Brain Games - http://www.kbgames.com/
- Koplow Games Inc - http://www.koplowgames.com/
- Krause Publications - http://www.krause.com/
- L2 Design Group - http://www.l2designgroup.com/
- La Factoria de Ideas - http://www.distrinagem.es/
- Lance & Laser Models Inc - http://www.lance-and-laser.com/
- Living Imagination of New England (LIONE Rampant) - http://www.lionerampant.com/
- Living Room Games - http://www.lrgames.com/
- Looney Labs - http://www.looneylabs.com/
- Lost Battalion Games - http://www.lostbattalion.com/
- Louis Porter Jr Design - http://www.lpjdesign.com/
- Matrix Games - http://www.matrixgames.com/
- Matthews-Simmons Marketing/GamesQuarterly Catalog - http://www.gamesquarterly.com/
- Mayfair Games - http://www.coolgames.com/
- McLoughlin Brothers -
- Milton Bradley Company - http://www.hasbro.com/
- Mind Interactive - http://www.mindinteractive.com/
- Misguided Games, Inc. - http://www.misguidedgames.com/
- Moments In History - http://www.criticalhit.com/MiHPage.html
- Monday Knight Productions -
- Multi-Man Publishing - http://www.multimanpublishing.com/
- Musket Miniatures LLC - http://www.musketminiatures.com/
- MythIntentions, LLC - http://www.mythintentions.com/
- Mythrole Games - http://www.mythrole.com/
- Osprey Publishing - http://www.ospreypublishing.com/
- OtherWorld Creations, Inc. - http://www.otherworlds.cx/
- Ottoman Litho -
- Out of the Box Publishing, Inc. - http://www.otb-games.com/
- Parker Brothers - http://www.hasbro.com/
- Pharaoh's Guard Hobbies - http://members.tripod.com/~einhorn/
- Playroom Entertainment - http://www.playrooment.com/
- Plenary Games - http://www.plenarygames.com/
- Precedence Entertainment - http://www.eternity.com/
- ProFantasy Software,Ltd. - http://www.profantasy.com/
- Q.E.D.Games, Inc - http://www.qedgames.com/
- Quest Machine - http://www.questmachine.com/
- R&R Games Inc - http://www.rnrgames.com/
- Reaper Miniatures - http://www.reapermini.com/
- Rex Games - http://www.tangoes.com/
- Rio Grande Games - http://www.riograndegames.com/
- Robert Sayer -
- Sagacity Games - http://sagacity.aires.com.au/
- Salamander Games - http://www.salamandergames.com/
- Sanguine Productions Ltd. - http://www.sanguineproductions.com/
- SFR Inc - http://www.sfr-inc.com/
- Shrapnel Games Inc - http://www.shrapnelgames.com/
- Six Sided Simulations - http://www.sixsided.com/
- Smirk & Dagger Games - http://www.smirkanddagger.com/
- Steve Jackson Games - http://www.sjgames.com/
- StormWorld Games Inc - http://www.stormworldgames.com/
- Sunnywood Inc - http://www.sunnywood.net/
- Talicor Inc - http://www.talicor.com/
- Testor Corporation - http://www.testors.com/
- The Dragon's Trove - http://www.dragontrove.com/
- The Gallant Hand's Gamer Gear - http://www.velvetbag.com
- The Game Store - http://www.thegamestore.com/
- The Gamer’s Realm - http://www.gamersrealm.com/
- The Gamers - http://www.eskimo.com/~graham/the-gamers.html
- Third World Games - http://www.thirdworldgames.com/?GAMA
- Thompson Industries - http://www.thompsonindustries.com/
- Timeline Ltd. - http://www.timelineltd.com/
- Troll Lord Games - http://www.trolllord.com/
- Twilight Creations Inc - http://twilightcreationsinc.com/
- Tyranny Games - http://www.tyrannygames.com/
- Upper Deck Entertainment - http://www.upperdeck.com/
- Veracity Entertainment -
- Voyager Games - http://www.voyagergames.com/
- Walrus & Carpenter -
- West End Games - http://www.westendgames.com/
- William Darton -
- William Spooner -
- Wizards of the Coast - http://www.wizards.com/
- WizKids LLC - http://www.wizkidsgames.com/
- Zipwhaa, Inc. - http://www.zipwhaa.com/
- Zody Games - http://users.aol.com/zodygames/index.html
- Zottola Publishing Inc - http://www.zotpub.com/