List of controversial games
Throughout history, games -- board, card, physical, and video -- have been a source of controversy, and many have been outlawed. The following is a list of games that have aroused some sort of social controversy.
Controversial games
- Conker's Bad Fur Day
- Custer's Revenge (1980s video game with rape scene)
- Dodgeball
- Doom series
- Duke Nukem
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Everquest
- Ghettopoly (depiction of ghetto was judged racist and offensive)
- Grand Theft Auto series
- Hentai games (hentai is pornographic anime)
- JFK: Reloaded
- Magic: The Gathering
- Manhunt
- Mortal Kombat (one of the first games to feature blood and the option to murder your opponent after winning fight)
- Night Trap
- Quake
- Pokémon
- Postal
- Postal²
- Role-playing games (see steam tunnel incident)
- The Sims
- Slot machines
- Soldier of Fortune
- Under Ash
External links
- When Two Tribes Go to War: a History of Video Game Controversy (