List of coding terms
This is a list of coding-related terms derived from the Glossary of Telecommunication Terms published as Federal Standard 1037C. Please see the Federal Standard article for copyright-related issues, as not all parts of the source document are in the public domain.
- adaptive predictive coding (APC)
- alphabetic code
- alphanumeric code
- analog decoding
- analog encoding
- analog-to-digital converter (ADC)
- balanced code
- bar code
- Baudot code
- BCH code
- B8ZS
- binary code
- binary-coded decimal (BCD)
- binary-coded decimal notation (BCD)
- binary element
- binary notation
- bipolar signal
- bit configuration
- bit pairing
- B6ZS
- B3ZS
- code
- code (cryptography)
- codec
- code character
- coded character set
- code-division multiple access (CDMA)
- comma-free code
- data network identification code (DNIC)
- decoding methods
- delay encoding
- dense binary code
- differential encoding
- differential Manchester encoding
- digital alphabet
- dipulse coding
- direct-sequence spread spectrum
- duobinary signal
- error-correcting code
- error-detecting code
- error-detecting system
- escape character (ESC)
- filtered symmetric differential phase-shift keying (FSDPSK)
- gold code
- Gray code
- Hagelbarger code
- Hamming code
- Huffman coding
- hypertext
- linear code
- linear predictive coding (LPC)
- line code
- Manchester code
- mark
- microcode
- modified AMI code
- motion compensation
- MPEG encoding
- multiple frequency-shift keying (MFSK)
- multiprogramming
- n-ary code
- non-return-to-zero change-on-ones (NRZ1)
- non-return-to-zero (NRZ)
- non-return-to-zero mark (NRZ-M)
- non-return-to-zero space (NRZ-S)
- n-unit code
- one-hot code
- paired disparity code
- parity
- perfect code
- reconstructed sample
- redundant code
- return-to-zero (RZ)
- run-length encoding
- scrambler
- secure transmission
- segmented encoding law
- self-synchronizing code
- Claude Shannon
- synchronization code
- time code
- time-gated direct-sequence spread spectrum
- transcoding
- two-out-of-five code
- uniform encoding
- unit-distance code
- variant
- zero-level decoder