List of archive formats

This is a list of formats used by file archiver in archiving and data compression.


Archiving only

File extension(s)[1] MIME type[2] Official name[3] Platform[4] Description
.a, .ar Unix Archiver Unix-like The traditional archive format on Unix-like systems, now used mainly for the creation of static libraries.
.cpio CPIO Unix-like
.shar Shell archive Unix-like Self-extracting archive that uses sh.
.tar Tape archive Unix-like A common archive format used on Unix-like systems.

Compression only

File extension(s)[1] MIME type[2] Official name[3] Platform[4] Description
.bz2 bzip2 Unix-like An open-source, patent- and royalty-free compression format.
.Z Compress Unix-like The traditional LZW compression format.
.gz gzip Unix-like GNU Zip, the primary compression format used by Unix-like systems.

Archiving and compression

File extension(s)[1] MIME type[2] Official name[3] Platform[4] Description
.7z application/x-7z-compressed 7-Zip format Multiple
.ace WinACE Windows
.arj ARJ
.cab Cabinet Windows The Microsoft Windows native archive format, which is also used by many commercial installers such as InstallShield, WISE, and InstallAware.
.dgc DGCA
.dmg Disk Image Mac OS X Supports "internet-enabled" disk images, which, once downloaded, are automatically decompressed, mounted, have the contents extracted, and thrown away.
.gca GCA The predecessor of DGCA.
.j Jar Jar archive, the successor to ARJ
.jar Jar Java ARchive.
.lzh, .lha LHA Amiga The standard format on Amiga.
.lzx LZX Amiga Archiver originally used on Amiga. Now used in the Microsoft .cab files..
.rar application/x-rar-compressed RAR Windows
.sea sea Macintosh A pre-Mac OS X self-extracting shell archive format.
.sit StuffIt Macintosh A compression format common on Apple Macintosh computers.
.zip application/zip PKZIP (aka ZIP) Windows, Mac OS X The most widely used compression format on Microsoft Windows.
.zoo zoo Multiple zoo


File extension(s)[1] MIME type[2] Official name[3] Platform[4] Description
.bh BlakHole

Package formats

File extension(s)[1] MIME type[2] Official name[3] Platform[4] Description
.deb Debian package GNU/Linux A software package format used on Debian GNU/Linux and other Linux distributions.
.msi Windows Installer Windows The now-standard software package format on Microsoft Windows.
.pkg, .mpkg ? Mac OS X A NeXTSTEP-derived package format that is installed by the Installer application.
.rpm RedHat Package Manager GNU/Linux A software package format that was created by Red Hat. It is now used on many other distributions.


[1] (File extensions)—The file extensions may differ across platforms. The case of these extensions may differ on case-insensitve platforms.
[2] (MIME type)—The content types may be conjectural.
[3] (Official name)—The official names may be disputed.
[4] (Platform)—Indicates the platform under which a format is most common. Most file formats can be understood by more than one platform.


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