Prime Minister of Iceland

Template:Politics of Iceland The Prime Minister of Iceland (Icelandic: Forsætisráðherra Íslands) is Iceland's head of government. The prime minister is appointed by the president and exercises executive power along with the cabinet. The current incumbent is Halldór Ásgrímsson, who took over from Davíð Oddsson in 2004.

List of Prime Ministers of Iceland (the Minister of Iceland 1904-1917)

Prime Minister Entered office Left office Party Parties in Government
Hannes Hafstein 1 February 1904 31 March 1909 HP HP
Björn Jónsson 31 March 1909 14 March 1911 OIP OIP
Kristján Jónsson 14 March 1911 24 July 1912 No party No party
Hannes Hafstein 25 July 1912 21 July 1914 UP UP
Sigurður Eggerz 21 July 1914 4 May 1915 OIP OIP
Einar Arnórsson 4 May 1915 4 January 1917 OIP þversum OIP þversum
Jón Magnússon 4 January 1917 25 February 1920 HP HP/OIP langsum/PP
Jón Magnússon 25 February 1920 7 March 1922 HP HP/No party
Sigurður Eggerz 7 March 1922 22 March 1924 OIP OIP/No party
Jón Magnússon 22 March 1924 23 June 1926 CP CP
Magnús Guðmundsson (acting) 23 June 1926 8 July 1926 CP CP
Jón Þorláksson 8 July 1926 28 August 1927 CP CP
Tryggvi Þórhallsson 28 August 1927 3 June 1932 PP PP
Ásgeir Ásgeirsson 3 June 1932 28 July 1934 PP PP/IP
Hermann Jónasson 28 July 1934 2 April 1938 PP PP/SD
Hermann Jónasson 2 April 1938 17 April 1939 PP PP
Hermann Jónasson 17 April 1939 18 November 1941 PP PP/IP/SD
Hermann Jónasson 18 November 1941 16 May 1942 PP PP/IP/SD
Ólafur Thors 16 May 1942 16 December 1942 IP IP
Björn Þórðarson 16 December 1942 21 October 1944 No party No party
Ólafur Thors 21 October 1944 4 February 1947 IP IP/SD/SP
Stefán Jóhann Stefánsson 4 February 1947 6 December 1949 SD SD/IP/PP
Ólafur Thors 6 December 1949 14 March 1950 IP IP
Steingrímur Steinþórsson 14 March 1950 11 September 1953 PP PP/IP
Ólafur Thors 11 September 1953 24 July 1956 IP IP/PP
Hermann Jónasson 24 July 1956 23 December 1958 PP PP/SD/PA
Emil Jónsson 23 December 1958 20 November 1959 SD SD
Ólafur Thors 20 November 1959 14 November 1963 IP IP/SD
Bjarni Benediktsson 14 November 1963 10 July 1970 IP IP/SD
Jóhann Hafstein 10 July 1970 14 July 1971 IP IP/SD
Ólafur Jóhannesson 14 July 1971 28 August 1974 PP PP/PA/LL
Geir Hallgrímsson 28 August 1974 1 September 1978 IP IP/PP
Ólafur Jóhannesson 1 September 1978 15 October 1979 PP PP/SD/PA
Benedikt Gröndal 15 October 1979 8 February 1980 SD SD
Gunnar Thoroddsen 8 February 1980 26 May 1983 IP (breakaway) IP (breakaway)/PP/PA
Steingrímur Hermannsson 26 May 1983 8 July 1987 PP PP/IP
Þorsteinn Pálsson 8 July 1987 28 September 1988 IP IP/PP/SD
Steingrímur Hermannsson 28 September 1988 10 September 1989 PP PP/SD/PA
Steingrímur Hermannsson 10 September 1989 30 April 1991 PP PP/SD/PA/CiP
Davíð Oddsson 30 April 1991 23 April 1995 IP IP/SD
Davíð Oddsson 23 April 1995 28 May 1999 IP IP/PP
Davíð Oddsson 28 May 1999 23 May 2003 IP IP/PP
Davíð Oddsson 23 May 2003 15 September 2004 IP IP/PP
Halldór Ásgrímsson 15 September 2004 Present PP PP/IP

Note about the coloring: Every combination which appears at least twice has been assigned a color. The Conservative Party is an ancestor of the Independence Party and here counted as such.

Note about Magnús Guðmundsson: Jón Magnússon died 23 June 1926. Magnús Guðmundsson acted as PM until Jón Þorláksson could be reached. Officially the third cabinet of Jón Magnússon is said to have been in office until 8 July 1926, but as the PM was dead, it seemed proper to include the acting PM in the list.


  • CiP: Citizens' Party (Borgaraflokkurinn). Extinct.
  • CP: Conservative Party (Íhaldsflokkurinn). Extinct.
  • HP: Home Rule Party (Heimastjórnarflokkurinn). Extinct.
  • IP: Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn).
  • LL: Association of Liberals and Leftists (Samtök frjálslyndra og vinstri manna). Extinct.
  • OIP: The old Independence Party (no relation to the current one). OIP langsum and OIP þversum denote two fractions that split the party at one time. Extinct.
  • PA: The People's Alliance (Alþýðubandalagið). Extinct.
  • PP: The Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn).
  • SD: Social Democrats (Alþýðuflokkurinn). Extinct.
  • SP: Socialists (Sósíalistaflokkurinn). Extinct.
  • UP: Union Party (Sambandsflokkurinn). Extinct.

All but two parties are labelled extinct. That only means that they no longer exist under those names. Apart from the Independence Party and the Progressive Party, the following possess parliamentary seats: The Union of Leftists (Samfylkingin, mostly former Social Democrats), The Left-Green Movement (Vinstri hreyfingin - grænt framboð, mostly former Socialists) and The Liberal Party (Frjálslyndi flokkurinn, followers from all over the spectrum). Those last three have never been in government in their current incarnations.

See also: List of Icelandic rulersfr:Premiers ministres d'Islande is:Forsætisráðherrar á Íslandi pl:Premierzy Islandii


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