List of Estonian companies
This is a list of Estonian corporations:
- Baltika, clothes
- Eesti Raudtee, railway traffic
- Eesti Telekom, telecom
- Eesti Ühispank, bank
- Elcoteq, electronics
- Estiko, packing material
- Estonian Air, airline
- Hansapank, bank
- Harju Elekter, electric components
- Kalev, sweets
- Klementi, women clothes
- Merko Ehitus, building
- Norma, car parts
- Rakvere Lihakombinaat, meat
- Saku Õlletehas, beer
- Tallink, ferry traffic
- Tallinna farmaatsiatehas, medicine
- Viisnurk, consumer wood products
See also: Lists of companies, Economy of Estoniaro:Companii estoniene