Linear speedup theorem
In computational complexity theory, the linear speedup theorem for Turing machines proves that given any machine solving a problem in time f(n), there is another machine that solves the same problem in time cf(n), where c > 0.
Here is a sketch proof for the case c = ½. Suppose the Turing machine M solves the problem in f(n) steps and that it has k tape symbols and s internal states. Construct a new machine M' with k³ tape symbols, each symbol representing a "chunk" of 3 adjacent symbols in machine M. The tape of machine M' is a compressed representation of the tape of machine M, with cell i for machine M' representing the chunk of cells 2i-1, 2i and 2i+1 of machine M (note that these chunks overlap). In one computation step, M' simulates the computation of M until M's head leaves the chunk cells to the left or right (this simulation can be done in a single step because M can be in no more than sk³ states without leaving the chunk or repeating a state). During this simulation M may accept, in which case M' also accepts, or M may loop, in which case M' does nothing (and so also loops). A final subtlety is that because chunks overlap, every transition between chunks in M must be turned into k transitions between cells in M' to take account of the k different symbols that might have been written onto the cell belonging to both chunks. The construction requires that each computation step in M' corresponds to at least 2 computation steps of M. So M' takes no more than ½f(n) steps. By adding delaying steps to M', we can ensure it takes exactly ½f(n) steps.
It should be easy to see how to generalize the proof to all values of c, and also that the proof applies as much to space as it does to time.
The linear speedup theorem is the reason why complexity theory ignores linear factors and represents the complexity of algorithms with big O notation.