Leonard Susskind
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Lenny Susskind at Stanford University
Leonard Susskind is a theoretical physics professor at Stanford University. His contributions to physics - or those that he shares with others - include
- the discovery that string theory is based on one-dimensional objects
- the theory of quark confinement
- the development of Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory
- the theory of scaling violations in deep inelastic electroproduction
- the theory of symmetry breaking sometimes known as "Technicolor theory"
- the first theories of cosmological baryogenesis apart from Sakharov's work which was unknown in the West
- the string theory of black hole entropy
- the principle of "black hole complementarity"
- the holographic principle, the matrix description of M-theory
- the introduction of holographic entropy bounds in cosmology
- and the idea of an anthropic string theory "landscape".
Prof. Susskind is one of the most entertaining mavericks in the field of string theory.