Lakenheath is a village in Suffolk, United Kingdom.
RAF Lakenheath
Lakenheath is perhaps best known, especially outside the UK, as the host to the largest USAF base in the United Kingdom: RAF Lakenheath
It is difficult to underestimate the social impact on Lakenheath, and indeed any of the towns and villages within several miles, of the USAF fighter airbase and its nearby sister, RAF Mildenhall.
The United States has maintained a presence in the community since bombers were stationed there during WWII conducting raids on Europe. The base has a population of around 7000 service personnel (Mildenhall is unknown.) This does not account for non-combatant personnel and families.
During the mid-eighties there was a peace camp outside RAF Lakenheath.
Currently, there are several squadrons of F-15 fighters and their support and maintence personnel stationed there.