Lake Walen
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Lake Walen
Lake Walen (or Lake Walenstadt, in German Walensee) is a lake at the border between Canton of St. Gallen and Canton of Glarus in Switzerland.
The lake is one of the larger lakes in Switzerland with an area of 24.1 km², about 2/3 of which belongs to St. Gallen. Its volume is 2'500 million m³. The two main rivers leading to this lake are the rivers Seez, Murgbach, and Linth. The Linth is also the river continuing on from Lake Walen to Lake Zurich.
Towns and villages on the lake include: Walenstadt, Weesen, Quinten, Quarten, Murg. The Churfirsten range raises on the North side from lake (419 m a.s.l.) to 2300 m.