LaPine, Oregon
La Pine, Oregon is an unincorporated community in Deschutes County, Oregon. It is located on U.S. Highway 97 approximately 32 miles (50 km) south of Bend.
This community has a population of approximately 500 people. In addition, several thousand in the surrounding area consider themselves La Pinites.
The community is along the Little Deschutes River, a tributary of the Deschutes River. The river provides recreational opportunities such as fishing, swimming, canoeing, and other leisure activities.
La Pine was founded in the 19th century with Huntington Road as the main street. The fledgling community quickly grew and prospered until the combination of a failed community water system and rapid growth of Bend caused a slowdown to occur. Today, La Pine is beginning to grow once again, but this time as a bedroom community to Bend, making Deschutes County one of the fasted growing counties in America.