Kuroko (黒子) is a stagehand in kabuki theatre. They are veiled and dressed in black to indicate that they are stagehands, and not part of a performance.
In early Samurai Shodown games, Kuroko was used as an official who officiated the match. He is similarly dressed and dons a red flag and a white flag (used in martial arts competitions to denote when a player hits an opponent) as his weapon. As a playable character, Kuroko used moves borrowed from other SNK characters, mainly from those in Fatal Fury or Art of Fighting. He becomes a copy of the player's character in Samurai Shodown 3, and appears in official art with a younger Kafuin Nikochin. Kuroko has five brothers: Ichiro, Jiro, Saburo, Shiro, and Goro.
Kuroko's voice is provided by Toshikazu Nishimura in Samurai Shodown 2.