Kuriza is a fictional character from the manga Neko Majin Z, a parody of Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama. Although the manga is written by Akira Toriyama and features characters from Dragon Ball, it is not considered canon to series. However, Kuriza (and other Neko Majin Z characters and settings) have also appeared in the Japanese edition of the PlayStation 2 video game Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2 as bonuses/secrets. (Actually, Kuriza in the game is just an "alternate costume" for Freeza with a chestnut-shaped Death Ball attack.)
Kuriza is the son of Freeza from Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z. (And, by extension, the grandson of King cold.) After the death of his father, he shows back up on Earth to cause some trouble, is met by Z (the title character), and hilarity ensues.