

Kovačica (Serbian: Ковачица or Kovačica, Slovak: Kovačica, Romanian: Kovăciţa or Covăciţa, Hungarian: Antalfalva, German: Kowatschitza) is a town and municipality located in the South Banat District of Vojvodina, Serbia, Serbia and Montenegro. According to a 1991 census, Municipality of Kovačica had population of 30,469, and total area of 419 km². It is widely known by its naïve art.

Kovacica official town emblem
Kovacica official town emblem


According to the last Census in 2002 the municipality has a total of 8 local communities with a population of 27,890.

The ethnic groups are:

Communities with Slovak majorities are: Kovačica/ Kovačica and Padina/Padina.

Communites with Serb majorities are: Crepaja, Idvor, Putnikovo and Samoš.

There is one community with a Hungarian majority: Torontálvásárhely/Debeljača, and one community with a Romanian majority: Uzdin/Uzdin.


The town of Kovačica (http://www.kovacica.org.yu) is located 27 km from Pancevo and 47 km from Belgrade.


Territory Municipality of Kovačica % Banat
Area, km², 1999 419 4.26 9830
Number of settlement, 1999 8 4.02 199
Population by 1971 census 33489 4.44 754403
Population by 1981 census 32798 4.33 758321
Population by 1991 census 30469 4.18 729564
Total population age of 60 or more – by 1991 census 6342 4.51 140723
Total productive population by 1991 census 18700 4.12 453859
Total male productive population (age 15 to 64 ) by 1991 census 10016 4.19 238937
Total female productive population (age 15 to 59 ) by 1991 census 8684 4.04 214922
Share of agricultural population in total country population (%) by 1991 census 28.7 56.83 50.5
Share of agricultural population in active population in the country (%) by 1991 census 32 49.92 64.1
Number of households by 1991 census 10235 4.15 246839
Share of agricultural households in total number of households(%) by 1991 census 62.1 48.21 128.8
Increase in the population by year 2000 -184 3.67 -5009
Total number of employed 4232 2.52 168033
Females in total number of employed (%) by year 2000 - annual average 36.5 28.65 127.4
Income per capita (din) by year 1999 15660 28.05 55837
Income per capita (din) by year 2000 34548 27.95 123593
Agricultural area (km²) by year 2001 - Individual agricultural households and other 366.32 4.38 8360.14
Forest area (km²) by year 2000 0.39 0.15 268.60
Number of built apartments per 1000 citizens by year 2000 1.5 45.45 3.3
Total road length (km), by year 2000 74 2.99 2477
Phone subscribers, by year 2000 5779 3.27 176522
Net salaries per employee – average January /December 2000 2412 30.29 7963
Elementary schools 1999/2000 – end of a school year 8 3.69 217
High schools 1999/2000 – end of a school year 1 2.17 46
College 2000/2001 school year 0 0 3
Universities 2000/2001 school year 0 0 3
Graduated university students, 2000/2001 school year 0 0 146


The town was founded in 1802, but there are records of small settlements dating from 1458.


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