Klaus Mann
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Klaus Mann, 12 years old
Klaus Mann (November 18, 1906 – May 21, 1949) was a German-Jewish writer.
Born in Munich, Mann was the son of German writer Thomas Mann and his wife Katia Pringsheim. He suffered because of his homosexuality and his father's lack of esteem for him, and left Germany in 1933.
He worked for the American army during World War II. He died in Cannes of an overdose of sleeping pills. He was buried there in the Cimetière du Grand Jas.
The literary scandal surrounding Mephisto made him posthumously famous in Germany.
Selected bibliography
- Der fromme Tanz, 1925
- Anja und Esther, 1925
- Revue zu Vieren, 1927
- Kind seiner Zeit, 1932
- Treffpunkt im Unendlichen, 1932
- Symphonie Pathétique, 1935
- Mephisto, 1936
- Der Vulkan, 1939
- The Turning Point, 1942
- André Gide and the Crisis of Modern Thought, 1943