Kitty Foyle
Kitty Foyle, subtitled The Natural History of a Woman, is a 1940 film which tells the story of a white-collar girl who falls in love with a young socialite, despite the objections of his family. It stars Ginger Rogers, Dennis Morgan, James Craig, Ernest Cossart and Gladys Cooper.
The film was adapted by Dalton Trumbo and Donald Ogden Stewart, from the novel by Christopher Morley. It was directed by Sam Wood.
The movie was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture and the Academy Award for Writing Adapted Screenplay. Ginger Rogers won for Best Actress.
Kitty Foyle is also a dress style of the 1940s characterized by a dark fabric and contrasting (usually white) collar and cuffs; it is named after a dress worn by Ginger Rogers in the film of the same name.