In the fictional Star Trek universe, Khitomer (QI'tomer in Klingon) is a planet on the Klingon side of their border with the Romulan Star Empire, where historic peace talks (known as the Khitomer Accords) occurred between the two empires and the Federation in 2293.
Many years later, in an event that is referred to as the Khitomer Massacre, 4,000 Klingon colonists were killed by Romulans at the Khitomer Outpost as the result of Ja'rod's defection to the Romulans. Worf was the only known survivor of the massacre; his father was blamed for the betrayal. A number of other Klingons were later discovered to have been secreted away by Romulans to Carraya IV in order to preserve the Klingon's honour. Captivity in exile was preferable to dishonour brought by failure to fight to the death.