Ken Ham

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Ken Ham

Kenneth A. Ham is the president of Answers in Genesis USA, the joint CEO of Answers in Genesis International and the co-director of the Australian organisation, also called Answers in Genesis. He is a well-known Young Earth Creationist.

He was born in Australia but moved to the United States of America in 1987.

He has a bachelor's degree in applied science (with an emphasis on environmental biology) from Queensland Institute of Technology. He also holds a Diploma of Education from the University of Queensland. Liberty University has given Ham an honorary doctorate of literature.

He is married to his wife Mally and has five children; two of which live with them in Cincinnati.

Between 1987 and 1993, Ham worked for the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), one of the oldest and most prominent American Creationist organizations. In 1994 he set up Answers in Genesis; a Christian ministry devoted to convincing people that Genesis, the first book of the Bible, should be taken as literally true and historically correct.

Ham often holds speaking events at various churches around the nation, speaking about the 'relevancy of Genesis in today's world,' and why he thinks the theory of evolution is a destructive teaching. He is sometimes noted for his witty and funny personality.

Ham believes that evolutionary theory has contributed to the rise of humanism, racism, eugenics, euthanasia, pornography, homosexuality, family breakup and more. His rationale for this is that since he believes evolutionary theory states that humans aren't much more than highly evolved "pond scum", people are being led to believe that morality is relative and thus they can do as they please, guilt-free.

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The Lie: Evolution

Ham's 1991 book The Lie: Evolution was one of the first to emphasise a presuppositional rather than evidentialist approach to creationist apologetics. That is, instead of emphasising arguments over evidence for or against creation and evolution, Ham advocated pointing out the assumptions behind the interpretations of this evidence. A few years later, Phillip E. Johnson, the leader of the Intelligent Design movement, also emphasized what he claims was the philosophical naturalism behind evolutionary theory.

Ham also co-authored the best selling book The Answers Book Revised & Expanded. It answers the most common questions that both Christians and non-Christians ask regarding creation/evolution and Genesis.

Answers in Genesis is building a world class Creation Museum which is scheduled to open in 2007. This will be an alternative to the evolutionary natural history museums. The Creation Museum upholds the history of the world from the Bible.

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