Kenpo may also refer to the Constitution of Japan (憲法)
Kenpo or Kempo (拳法 Kenpō; lit. fighting method) has a long history in Japan.
Kenpo itself is a common Japanese term for martial arts in general that is the translation of the Chinese quán fǎ (or ch'üan fa), meaning "fist principles." In the West, Kenpo styles (known by their use of the black uniform), can trace their lineage partly to the controversial James M. Mitose, a Hawaiian born Japanese who taught several students in the late 1930s and early 1940s. This version of Kenpo falls into the category of mixed martial arts that have a basis in Karate, and incorporate Shaolin Quan and/or Kickboxing. Today, most practitioners of kenpo in America have been trained in one version or another of the Ed Parker system, which traces its origins back through William Chow as well as James M. Mitose.
It is said by its practitioners that Kenpo follows much of the same path as Chinese martial arts, but in order to shorten the amount of time to train a person, methods from Karate were used as the basis to quickly allow a person to learn the basics, and techniques. As it often takes 10 to 20 years of continuous effort to master one form of kung fu, Kenpo practitioners often can be black belted in around 3 to 5 years, depending on the instructor.
Normal Karate usually focuses on linear attacks and blocks, or straight moves, with power being more important than learning separate techniques. Kenpo emphasizes more circular moves, such as the hook, or the uppercut as main attack methods. Western Kenpo has more grappling and throws than Karate. Both Karate and Western Kenpo use kata, but Kenpo kata tend to have more techniques to them, with an emphasis on multiple hits. These multiple strikes are sequenced to demonstrate cause and effect. An opponent hit by a strike will react in a predictable way, which means that the next strike can be reasonably predetermined. This leads to long and involved sequences of strikes in the kenpo katas.
Partial List of Styles and Systems:
- Mitose and Chow Lineage:
- Kosho Shorei Kenpo also known as Kosho Ryu Kenpo
- Chi Lin Kempo
- Chinese Kenpo
- Shingon Kenpo
- Karaho Kenpo
- AKKI (American Kenpo Karate International)
- American Kenpo
- SubLevel Four Kenpo
- Shaolin Kenpo (Castro)
- Shaolin Kempo Karate (Villari)
- Kanzen Kenpo
- Kajukenbo
- Tracy Kenpo
- Karazenpo
- Cerio Kenpo
- CHA3
- Worldwide Kenpo Karate Asociation
- Other
- Shorinji Kempo (
- Ryukyu Kempo (Okinawan)
- Okinawa Kenpo
- Shorinji Toraken Ryu Sogo Kempo Jutsu (
- Shaolin Chuan Fa (