In the Star Trek fictional universe, the Kazon are a Delta Quadrant race. The Kazon are technologically inferior to the United Federation of Planets.
The Federation's first contact with the Kazon was by the USS Voyager when it was sent to the Delta Quadrant. The Kazon were once under control of a race called the Trabe, until they overthrew the Trabe and divided into different sects.
The major Sects are:
- Halik
- Ogla
- Oglamar
- Relora
- Nistrim
- Mostral
- Hobii (pronounced hoe-by)
- Pommar
- Sari
The two most powerful sects are the Ogla and Relora, who possess most of the Kazons' man power and ships. The Nistrim were once a powerful and influential sect however their power has diminished — by 2372 they possessed less than 6 raider vessels. The USS Voyager never encountered the Sari sect.
The Kazon were a large part of the Voyager series during the show's first two seasons. At the end of the second season, the ship was briefly captured by the Kazon Nistrim. However Tom Paris and a number of Talaxians were able to recapture the ship. The Kazon abandoned the ship, and had no further encounters with Voyager. At the beginning of the fourth season, Kes was able to throw them over 20,000 light years towards home - which took them far outside the realm of the Kazon.
Neelix once mentioned the existence of the Kazon to Seven of Nine. She recalled that the Borg did come across a Kazon colony, but that the Borg decided that it wasn't worth the time or trouble to assimilate the colony, and ignored it instead.
Their ships consist of huge battleships (bigger than the Dominion Battlecruiser and Romulan D'Deridex class warbird) to small shuttles. All Kazon technology and spacecraft was stolen from the Trabe.