In the fictional Star Trek universe, K'mpec (kImpec) was a former chancellor of the Klingon Empire. He was portrayed by Charles Cooper, who had also played General Korrd in the fifth Star Trek movie.
The year that K'mpec had begun his term as chancellor has not been clearly documented. However, upon his death, Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard had noted that K'mpec had served longer as chancellor than anyone in history. K'mpec had also known Mogh, father of Worf and Kurn, and had served with him in the past.
By 2365, the Klingon High Council found new evidence about who had betrayed those living on Khitomer to the Romulans. But to their surprise, the evidence pointed to Ja'rod, father of Duras. Because of the fact that the Duras family was very powerful, the council thought that Ja'rod's treason would cause civil war in the Empire. So K'mpec approved the plan to have Mogh charged with the crime. What K'mpec and the council didn't expect was Worf's desire to challenge the charges. When the Enterprise crew found out what had really occurred, Picard confronted the council. To save the Empire, Worf decided to accept discommendation from the high council, a move which K'mpec approved of.
In 2366, shortly after the Borg attempted to invade the Federation. K'mpec found that he had been poisoned, and that he was dying. K'mpec knew it was one of two men who would seek that office after he died, namely Gowron or Duras. Because he couldn't depend on any other Klingon, K'mpec turned to Captain Picard to arbitrate the power struggle that would occur after his death.
External links
- Template:Memoryalpha
- STARTREK.COM: K'mpec (http://www.startrek.com/startrek/view/series/TNG/character/1120045.html)