In the Transformers Comic Continuum, Jhiaxus (Pronounced Gee-axe-us) was a Cybertronian leader (Or more appropriately, warlord) during Generation 2. He held the rank Liege Centuro.
He had a cold, callous personality - a big departure from Megatron's zeal and Galvatron's insanity. In one notable occurrence, Jihaxus destroyed San Fransisco, just to annoy Optimus Prime. His biggest weakness was his tendency to go insane.
Jhiaxus perished fighting the swarm.
Unlike most of the notable Transformer characters in the Transformers comics, Jhiaxus is not based on a toy, but was instead completely invented by Marvel. The name "Jhiaxus" is a pun on the words "gee, axe us", anticipating the short life of the Generation 2 comic, which proved to be correct.Template:Comics-stub