Iron oxide
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Iron oxide pigment
There are a number of iron oxides:
Iron oxides
- Iron(II) oxide or ferrous oxide (FeO) The black-coloured powder in particular can cause explosions as it readily ignites.
- Iron(III) oxide or ferric oxide (Fe2O3) known in its natural state as hematite or haematite, but also purified for use as a coating in magnetic audio and computer media, where it is known as ferric oxide. Also known as rouge.
- Iron(II,III) oxide or ferrous ferric oxide (Fe3O4), better known as the black-coloured mineral magnetite or lodestone also seen on mars
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Iron hydroxides
- Iron(II) hydroxide Fe(OH)2. green colour.
- Iron(III) hydroxide FeO(OH) found as the mineral goethite. Red-brown colour. Also found as the minerals siderogel and feroxyhyte. There is a variant known as lepidocrocite.
- Iron(III) hydroxide Fe(OH)3. Dark brown.
There are also several other variants.
See also
A number of these compounds are found in rust and rusticles.
en:Fera oksido